What did I learn about storytelling ?
I did not know that you could tell a story with only with six words and it's so cool. I told you about my story with the words in the picture. Using the two together help it make more sense. It was hard way to make it only with six words but it was a fun way to go. I want to do it again time if I came back to school.
Where did I show my knowledge about using storytelling skills ?
For example in the picture of my bird I picked a good filter that make it have orange tint to Match the picture and the words. I tried to get the words to make sense in order to get my idea across. I came up with the words and then I chose a picture to put the words on it. I made the font big to put more attention on the words. These are the skill I used for my storytelling .
What did I learn as a reader, thinker,storyteller ?
This is the first time I did 6 word members and as thinker and storyteller it is cool think to do. I like do this sometime again because it was fun to do. As a reader I learned to think a bit about how things are said in my six word memoirs. As a thinker it makes me think more because you have to get the story out and picture. This definitely got me thinking more.